Monday, 28 March 2011

Project latest (from Gansu Province)

Dear All,

Firstly thanks for Chen Ying for the previous stalling post. We have been variously camped out in sites in Xinjiang and Gansu, and are now proudly monitoring nine sites for snow leopard research and conservation across China (but more of that later).

I will start with the current news, rather than my usual, slightly ranty, stuff. Dr Shi Kun and I set up a team in Qilianshan Nature Reserve in Gansu, comprised of Beijing Forestry University students Ms Yuan Yi Fang and Mr Sun Qiao Qi, along with local Forestry Administration manager Mr Ma Yingjun and local community representative and guide extraordinaire, Mr Archun Qi. This area is of vital importance for snow leopard conservation and for understanding their ecology and dispersal. But more of that later - sorry I keep getting side-tracked...

Well, to the point. Here are the latest images from the camera traps:

I can't begin to explain how these make us feel, given the work involved and also because these represent vital information that will add to a growing database underpinning our research.

I'll end for the moment with one of Archun, Qiao Qi and I setting a camera in the field in Gansu.

More to come... and also from the teams in Xinjiang...

Much love (because I'm obviously in a good mood),

P.S. I'll publish the research "back-story" soon.

Thursday, 10 March 2011

Where's Phil?

Phil and the team (Dr Shi Kun, Sun Qioa Qi and Yuan Yi Fang) are currently establishing field sites and surveying snow leopards and their prey in the Qilianshan Nature Reserve in Gansu.I'm sure he will provide more details and pictures when they return.

Posted on Phil's behalf by Chen Ying.